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The Drakovs- discontinued remake soon =)

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The Drakovs- discontinued remake soon =)

8 ratings

You might be wondering to yourself, just what the hell is this thing? An astute question! As the creator of this species I can tell you with utmost confidence that I....have no clue whatsoever! But, I do call them Drakovs, and I’m honestly in love with the thing. The name originated from a mix of the words Dragon and Wolf in my native language. But in all honesty? I think I see a bat in there as well as a hint of Kangaroo to boot!

now even comes with wings!

The base model itself (with no clothing or accessories equipped) is currently at 35k tris.

Allowing me to add a ton of detail to the model, especially with the gestures and accessories and clothing.

This model includes:

- VRChat 3.0 compatibility and features.

- Clothing! Currently comes with a hoodie, sweater and a bandana. and more!

- Toggleable accessories such as sunglasses and earrings!

- 3 horn styles to switch between to fine-tune your look! More hair variants to be added in future updates.

- a set of wings!

-5 pre-made texture sets to switch between (4 of them made by the amazing Nekostudios) as well as Substance files so you can customize your own Drakov. (As well as .png files for those of you who use other programs)

- An extensive amount of blendshapes to customize the overall shape and body of the Drakov Including thigh size and breast sliders for those wishing to achieve a more feminine look!

- poiyomi shader is not required but if u want to use the eye color changing feture its needed for that and can be gotten here

Included below is an instructional video on how to set up the unity file and upload it to VRChat here:

If you have any other issues or questions regarding the model or its setup, here’s my discord group link:

I’m usually working on models and various other projects on there, so either myself, or other members can help you with any issues or problems you may have.

I would also love seeing your own versions of the drakov!

drop a @ me at or on our discord!

it always makes me happy to see peoples work!

Now, onto the Q&A!

Q:Can I sell this model as my own?

A: Put simply...No.

Q: Can I send this model to someone else to re-texture or change something about the model for me?

A: Yes, of course! But please only send it to people to make changes for yourself, do NOT distribute it for people to keep for themselves. We’re working on a trust system here buddy! Selling models is a form of income for a lot of us, and I want to keep the price for the model reasonable and affordable! So please take that into consideration.

Q: why is there 2 scenes?

A: There are 2 tiers because vrchat doesn't like complicated models

a POOR where everything is togglable and is on the model

a GOOD that has just as much as u can put. while being good in vrchat

u can make a mid performance model with ease then

Q: How long do you plan to support this model?

A: As long as I can! This model was a bit of a personal project of mine and helped me through a bit of a depressing time in my life, so I’d love to keep supporting it as long as humanly possible and watch as hopefully more people use it and enjoy it!

I’m looking to support and add free content for this model for as long as I can. One of the updates I’m working on in the future is a set of wings (already out!) that’ll match the style and look of the model! Hell, maybe even some more in-depth and complex updates at a later date for a cost, but I’ll touch on that more at some point in the future.

Q:I have aa issue! Where do I talk with you about this broken piece of shi-

A: Wow, that’s pretty rude! But for real you can get a hold of me on Discord, via my server, via e-mail or even here on Gumroad! I take pride on working on fixing my models and updating them so if you have any problems, contact me via any of these methods:

or my server

Thank you for taking a look at the Drakov, and hopefully purchasing it, if it appeals to you! And a huge thank you to the folks who helped me with the model: for the extra toggle-able textures! Seriously, go check her stuff out! for the help with the thumbnails and general support! spell checking this gum road post and general help!

1.0: relese!
1.1: small fixes the the way full body works. works allot nicer now

1.2:tuxedo and some weight paint fixes

1.3: wings and other small fixes.

1.4: new hair! also many tweaks to the way clothing works and u can lower the hoodie now ALSO u can now have a belly with the new blend shape

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a cute mix of allot of animals.

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